fighting meningococcal disease   |   Support, Awareness and Reducing deaths in WA from meningococcal disease

Education Overview

The Amanda Young Foundation has a trained Health Promotion Officer (HPO) available to deliver educational lessons as an incursion in schools or in the community.

Our HPO presents fun and interactive sessions on Meningococcal Disease to years 5 and 6 in primary schools and  years 7 to 12 in secondary schools.  

Presentations are available Thursday’s and Friday’s only and are subject to availability of our HPO, Abby.

We have supporting resources on this website at Education Materials.  Junior primary years are catered for with our Kiddy Canter programme and our 12 lesson programme.   Years 4, 5 & 6 are catered for with our Detect and Protect programme with Buddy, plus a 10 lesson programme for teachers and other easy to use resources. Years 7 to 12 have a power point session with notes for teachers.  The new MIapp program for years 7 to 10 is available as an app – Apple and PC versions with accompanying teaching resources. Click on the MIapp link.


We have worked hard to supply a variety of educational resources online so that teachers can run their own lessons but we are also happy to visit you!

Lessons can be arranged for Thursday’s or Fridays, and are free.  We will visit years 5&6 at primary schools (approx. 45 minutes required) and all years in secondary schools (one period required). 

Any donations are appreciated as our staff are remunerated through our fundraising efforts.

To make a booking please contact our Education Manager, Abby Holme  on 0433 615 656 or by Email

If unable to contact Abby direct, please contact Linda (Administration) on 0409 115 056


We are registered as a charity and donations may be tax deductible.

Please check with your own accountant for any further information on this matter.

Our sponsors