Amanda's Garden Fete takes place each year over a weekend towards the end of October.
It is a great opportunity to view the one and a half acres of garden whilst in its flush of spring flowering. The roses are particularly beautiful at this time of year.
We have stalls with arts and crafts, honey, books and a paddy’s market stall. There is musical entertainment to delight your ears and sausage sizzle and Devonshire teas to delight your taste buds.
Come along for a great day out and support the Amanda Young Foundation.
Entry donation $5.00
For further information contact the office, email us for information , or phone Barry or Lorraine Young on 9398 7275.
New stallholders welcome – please contact Barry and Lorraine to discuss your proposal.
Amanda’s Garden was featured on the ABC programme Gardening Australia on June 30th 2012. – Filming took place in November 2011.
View the programme ABC Gardening Australia

How to volunteer
The Amanda Young Foundation is a non profit organisation dedicated to raising community awareness, regarding the swift and lethal nature of Meningococcal Disease.
To assist us in achieving this aim we run a series of events which serve the dual purpose of raising both funds and awareness. Volunteers are essential to assist us make things happen.